Privacy Act reforms – get ready for the shake-up
See our Privacy Act reforms page for updates on the review of the Australian Privacy Act.
Sector-specific solutions
Whether you just want the basics for a start-up, need advice about a particular risk area, or want to build a complete privacy management program, we have a package to suit. Crafted by our team of privacy specialists, each Compliance Kit offers expert guidance and pragmatic tools, such as templates, checklists and briefing papers.
For peak bodies, we can build bespoke packages of our resources tailored to your industry or profession, with bulk-license pricing. See our Peak Body Privacy Pack for more.
Resources on key privacy topics
From NDB to GDPR, from CRMs to PIAs, we’ve got an assorted mix of resources to help you with key privacy topics.
The Privacy Management Handbook
We have a free introductory guide to what should be included in a privacy management program. See The Privacy Management Handbook.
Our signature publications are for sale as part of our Compliance Kits, or separately here:
- The Privacy Act in a Nutshell – An Executive Briefing Paper
- Algorithms, AI, and Automated Decisions – A guide for privacy professionals
- Demystifying De-identification – An introductory guide for privacy professionals
- Big Data – An Ethical Framework for Protecting Privacy
- Untangling the APPs – A decision tree guide to using and disclosing personal information under the Privacy Act
- Untangling the IPPs and HPPs – A decision tree guide to disclosing personal information under NSW laws
- PPIPA in Practice – Our annotated guide to the NSW privacy laws, updated quarterly
- Conducting Workplace Surveillance – A guide to the NSW Workplace Surveillance Act
Questions? See our eBook FAQs.
Webinar handouts
Looking for a handout from one of our webinars?
- Seven steps to prepare for Privacy Act reforms
- Get ready for the PRIS Act
- De-identification: the identifiability continuum and privacy law
- The 8 Privacy Design Strategies
- Effective privacy compliance training
- 16 questions to ask of your algorithmic system
- The NSW research exemptions
Other resources
Research Papers, White Papers and Submissions – Published research, reports prepared for our clients, and submissions we have made to public fora such as Parliamentary Inquiries
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Information about sharing, licensing, copyright etc for all our resources can be found in our Terms of Service.